Today, Phil Waddle and Terri Pogolzelski went out with me. It was very different as the winds were from the S to SSW 10 - 20 knots. So I got practice stopping at the "C" mark with the wind trying to blow me away from it, which sometimes happens when docking a boat. After several tries, Terri was able to touch the mark for a period of time long enough for if she had to jump off at the dock. Success!! We then went for a sail - just letting out the jib. We let it out all the way - so was #1 - we definitely had too much sail out, so the Phil rolled it up to the #2 mark. That was much better and with no main sail up -we got up to 7.6 knots - but mostly 6.5 - 7 knots - which is screaming for Changes. We motored up the river and I was able to dock the boat ok. Next time I'll have to get a little closer to the dock - but definitely I have more confidence docking Changes. BTW, This was the first time that I have taken Changes out and Phil wasn't on the boat. I'm feeling proud of myself and much more confident.
Talking about Phil, he and Captain Dave, w/a guy that was on the boat for the race down, have left Bermuda today and expect to make Mystic, CT on July 2. Louisa, Captain Dave's girlfriend called me tonight and gave me a brief update. The wind was behind them and all was well. Dave is planning on calling on Tuesday with an update and then Louisa will call me. They are transporting a Benateau 367 (i think is the length) back from a race down to Bermuda.