Sunday, January 30
Black Point, Bahamas
Yesterday was our sleep in day with Lorraine getting up at 745 and Phil about 830am. Today, we decided to take a walk down the road in the town. Along the way we saw the police station, medical clinic, school, regatta point, and the highlight of our walk, the Garden of Eden. Willie Rolle, who is the uncle of Lorraine of Lorraine's Cafe fame, gathered driftwood and wood on the island and has made sculptures of it. He gave us a tour and talked about the different sculptures and how they resemble animals - flamingos, lions, tigers, bears, iguanas, and others and different people - a ballerina, pregnant woman and others. Then in the back yard which is a lot of rock, he showed us all the fruits and some vegetables that he was growing - mostly in little depressions in the rock that has some soil in it. He grows Guava, noni fruit, tamaran fruit, mangos, papyras, pigeon peas, sweet corn, and some lettuce that was going to see. I can't remember everything he is growing. He is quite a character and I'll try to upload some of the photos that I took.
In the evening, we went to Lorraine's Cafe for buffet dinner - she has BBQ ribs, chicken, fried fish fingers, peas and rice, bahamian macaroni and cheese and chocolate cake for dessert. Andy from S/V Sisu (see sue) played the saxaphone and then Lorraine's relative played the guitar, so music was also provided with the meal. All good time was had by all and we also met Steve and Judi for S/V Adanaco.
About 730pm we went back to the boat and knit/read until bed time.
Monday, January 31
Black Point
Hard to believe this is the last day of January. It's warm and breezy. This morning we went in separate dinghys to fish south of Blackpoint around a point about 1.5 mi south of here. Phil and I put the 8hp engine on the dinghy. We weren't successful in catching any fish but had a good time. Phil and Steve were snorkeling and the rest of us were fishing. Wish that I had a lookie bucket - which is a 5gal pal that has the bottom cut out and plexiglass in it's place. Lets you see under the water very easily. I hope there is one that I can get - or at least buy the bucket and plexiglass separately so Phil can make one.
Today was also laundry day - 3 loads this time. Met up with Dawn and Randy of S/V Nirvana Now, whom we originally met in Hampton, VA. They will come over for supper and cards about 5pm so I'll need to leave soon to get ready.
We are planning on staying tomorrow here and then leave Wednesday to go to Farmers Cay for their festival on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It looks like the weather has a good chance of being good. Then next weather window go to Lee Stocking Island and then to Georgetown. I don't know what the internet signal will be there, but hope to have some. At this time we have cell phone for our Bahamian Cell phone. It's hard not having regular contact with family and friends in the States.
Of course I worry about Rachel and Katie and hope that everything is going well with my sister-in-law's pregnancy. From what I hear, everything is good.
We heard what the salt water does on boats, and it sure if affecting Changes. This is hard for Phil as he has always keep up with her upkeep. Yesterday he did polish the chrome to get off as much rust as he could. He also wants to check the holding tank, but can't think about doing that job until we get to Georgetown.
I see that there is another storm coming to the north so hope everyone stays safe.
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